
Monday 12 August 2013

Love of the Week #2 - Seche Vite Top Coat

So I was meant to be doing these every Sunday but yesterday I uploaded my July Favourites video (click here to be taken to that video) so I missed out on it. So you are going to have to have it today instead.

It isn't quite as exciting as a car this week but it's damn good in its own right.

I have been searching for a good top coat for a long time now. I've tried many in the past, most recently a China Glaze and a Sally Hansen one. Both did the job but neither impressed me. 

I had heard the hype around the Seche Vite top coat for some time, but hyped up products usually disappoint me and I couldn't see what difference there would be between this and something like China Glaze.

Nail polish takes forever to dry on me and I have zero patience. I have been known to spend a whole three hours attempting to paint my nails only to smudge them and redo them and then after the whole ordeal is over I hate them and remove the lot or smudge them some more. Or they just never dry. Painting my nails was becoming a chore I had to set aside a whole evening to do, and even then the next morning I would wake up with finger prints in them.

I gave in and bought the Seche Vite top coat from Sally's as a trade customer as it was cheaper than Boots. I almost bought it from Boots a few days before but luckily I held off. That said, I would be more than happy to pay the £9 Boots are charging for this product. The first time I tried it I couldn't believe it. By the time I had finished painting top coat on just one hand the first finger I had painted was touchable. I even pressed very gently into the polish and no finger print or smudge appeared. Within 5-10 minutes I could fully press on the nails and they were completely dry. With my other top coats I couldn't have done that until the next day.


Tonight I re-painted my nails. This time I didn't wait in between coats for them to dry. I layered on three (yes three!) coats of nail strengthener (two of O.P.I Nail Envy, one of Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails - I have the most brittle and weak nails currently and I'm desperate to change that), then two coats of Maybelline Colour Show nail polish in Nebline, a lovely pale pink shade, then a thickly applied coat of the Seche Vite. Almost instantly they were touch dry and within 10 minutes I have completely dry nails. Painting my nails will never be a chore again.

I can't comment too much on how the top coat prevents chipping and if it makes the polish last longer. As I have said before, polish doesn't seem to last well on me and often peels away from the nail rather than chipping, but with it being this easy to paint my nails now I will probably just re-paint them a different shade every couple of days anyway.

If you hate waiting for your nails to dry invest in this stuff. I've never known anything like it. It leaves the most smooth and glossy finish to the nails and the speed in which it dries them is beyond belief. It really is a stand out product and I totally and utterly agree with the hype surrounding this product. I would love to try some of their nail treatments to repair my damaged nails.

Seche Vite top coat is available in Boots for £9.00 


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